Twas the day of distance learning, and all through the room
The children were getting ready to talk to their teacher through Zoom
The backgrounds were selected, most with great care
In hopes that their teacher would soon be there
The children were huddled all snug for their call
While parents hoped that she could help with it all
Mama fretted the science, and I feared the math
But the children were waiting and all started to nap
When up on the screen arose such a clatter
I sprang to the device to see what was the matter
The microphone wouldn’t work, the connection was bad
The internet was down, and we all blamed dad
When what to my wandering eyes should appear
But our teacher, to calm all our greatest fears
With a patient smile so lively with ease
I knew our homework would now be a breeze
More rapid then eagles the understanding came
Our children delighted as she called them by name
Now Billy, now Jane, now Coral and Sarah,
On Breezie, and Richie, and Ocean, and Tarah
To your books, she cried, to your work, do it all
Then dash away, dash away, dash away all
As leaves before the hurricane fly
The children started to work, and they didn’t even cry
And throughout all the houses, through their courses they flew
Through English, and writing, and algebra too
Then, with a wink of her eye and a twist of her head
Our teacher told us we had nothing to dread
I spoke not a word, but checked my child’s work
Then she filled up the gradebook and turned with a jerk
I thanked her so kindly as she waved goodbye
And ended the zoom as I let out a sigh
But I heard her exclaim as she went out of sight
Your doing great with distance learning, it will all be alright
~ by Chris Skierski
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