At Rethink Math Teacher we help teacher use Skills Based Learning Stations to effectively reach every student in the room regardless of their level, prerequisite knowledge, or what accommodations they need.
Skills Based Learning Stations automatically differentiates your instruction so that you can accommodate every student at their level and help them achieve real learning gains.

What is a Skills Based Learning Station?
A skills based learning station is a learning station designed to help the student master one skill. Once the student has mastered that one skill, she is progressed to the next learning station, and then the next.
Since students are working on a skill, inside a station, based on what their need is, many learners will be working on different skills at the same time. So your instruction is automatically differentiated.
What is so Powerful about these Learning Stations?
The learning stations that we teach you to build for your students do several things that promote true mastery.
First, the stations we help you build provide your students with lots of practice with immediate feedback. This is how we learn a new skill, by practicing it and receiving feedback so that we know that we are practicing it correctly.
Second, we do not penalize students for failure. Students are given as long as they need on that skill until they master it, and they are not progressed to the next skill until they master the first (since much of math builds upon itself).
Third, we celebrate student success. We help you celebrate your students when they master a skill, and they will love it. As they see their success, they will desire and strive for more of it. Plus, when you celebrate their mastery of a skill, you are collecting data. And we teach you to hand that data on the wall in a way that gives pride to your students, and impresses your administrators.
Finally, the learning stations we help you create have a reteach built into them that don’t require the teacher’s guidance. The student can begin working on the station, and know exactly what to do, without the teacher having to instruct them on every step along the way. This way, multiple stations on different skills can run at the same time.
Where do I begin?
We have three options to help you learn more about skills based learning stations, that will guide you through the process of building and implementing them into your classroom.
Free Cheat Sheet
The cheat sheet (downloadable PDF) is a series of many different resources that we have on the website that will help you learn more about skills based learning stations. It’s a free download, click here.
The Book, “Reach Them All”
Reach them all is a book (available as PDF, eBook, and physical soft cover) that will guide you through the step by step process of creating skills based learning stations for your class on the skills you choose. Multiple resources are included to help simplify the process, as well as many examples and illustrations to help you create the stations, and implement them with success.
Learn more about the book by clicking here.
The Online Course
How to Differentiate Instruction with Learning Stations is a 3 part online course dedicated to helping you create and implement learning stations into your instructional design.
Each part of the online course contains online teaching videos as well as resources to help you gain success. Learn more by clicking here.
Online Training on How To Differentiate Your Instruction with Skills Based Remediation
Click HERE to learn more
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More Articles on Learning Stations
- Uncommon Teacher Challenge
- 7 Reasons to Differentiate your Instruction
- What is Differentiated Instruction
- Challenging Your Stronger Students While Reaching Your Weaker Ones
- How to Differentiate Instruction in Your Math Class
- Differentiated Remediation
- Plugging the Holes – Remediation that Works
- Why You Should Create Learning Stations