Graphing points on a Coordinate Plane is an important skill, which students must master for all levels of math. But it doesn’t have to be boring or tedious.
Here are 3 fun activities to help make Graphing Points on a Coordinate Plane more fun
1) Mystery Pictures
As students correctly plot the points given, and connect one point to the next, a picture appears. View it here.
2) Mystery Message
A coordinate plane has multiple points on it, each corresponds to a letter of the alphabet. Questions are asked, with blanks for students to write the letters of the answer. By correctly reading all the points, the answer is given. View it here.
3) Maze Worksheet
Students are given a worksheet with multiple graphs, they must navigate from one to the next by traveling down the correct trail to the finish line.
Students know which way to go by correctly reading the point on the graph, and following the trail with the correct coordinates. View it here.
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