1) When Your Students Won’t Stop Talking – Cult of Pedagogy
Michael Linsin is interviewed on The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast who gives some great advise on why students talk excessively and what the teacher can do to mitigate this problem.
2) How to Handel Disrespectful Students – Smart Classroom Management
How to overcome disrespectful behavior, even when you want to take it personally.
3) 7 Hacks That Will Change Your Disruptive Class – Scaffolded Math and Science
7 different activities that you can do with your class to help them stay engaged and increase their participation.
4) 11 Research Based Classroom Management Strategies – Edutopia
Use “kernels” to keep your class on task – which are bite sized strategies based on research. This article will give you 11 of them.
5) 10 Classroom Procedures that will Save Your Sanity – Teach 4 the Heart
Teach 4 the Heart has some excellent teachings on classroom management. So I recommend anything that they produce.
6) 10 More Procedures that will Save Your Sanity – Teach 4 the Heart
A followup post, adding to the previous one.
7) Classroom Management Routines and Procedures for Middle and High School Classrooms – Two Peas and a Dog
A list of policies and procedures, along with some helpful advise, that will help you get your classroom management plan moving in the right direction.
8) 15 Strategies for the Student who Keeps Blurting Out – Rethink Math Teacher
This article gives practical strategies for one very specific discipline issue, and includes a free worksheet for that student.
9) The Difference Between Classroom Management & Behavior Management – Tamara V Russell
A healthy look at how to manage a classroom as opposed to responding to student behavior.
10) 10 Positive Behavior Support Strategies – Whimsy Academy
Strategies that the teacher can take to positively impact their student so that they respond accordingly in the classroom.
11) 7 Things to Avoid when Disciplining a Student – Teaching in the Fast Lane
These tips are excellent reminders that everyone should consider when you have a student that is disrupting your class
12) Behavior Strategies that Work Before the Behavior – Noodle Nook
Another good article on proactive strategies that the teacher can implement to help alleviate discipline issues in the classroom.
13) Stop Defiance in the Classroom – Teach 4 The Heart
Linda Kardamis guides you through correcting defiant students and connecting with them.
14) What to Do When a Student Refuses to Work – The Cornerstone for Teachers
We’ve all had that student who absolutely refuses to participate. Angela Watson gives some very practical advice to help teachers handle these situations.
15) 20 Classroom Management Strategies You Can Start Right Away – Miss Giraffe’s Class
The practical tips can be easily implemented and have powerful effects.
16) One of the Worst Classroom Management Strategies I’ve Ever Seen – Smart Classroom Management
Smart Classroom Management attacks a common practice that teachers are using to manipulate their classes’ behavior, and gives you some practical alternatives that will be more effective.
17) 32 Must Try Classroom Management Tips – Playdough to Plato
This article will share some creative strategies that will help in various capacities. Illustrated with lots of beautiful pictures.
18) 20 Classroom Management Tips – One Sharp Bunch
This article is full of activities and games to play with your students to help incentivize good behavior.
19) How to Make Your Students Behave – 7 Positive Reinforcement Strategies – Rethink Math Teacher
Find the joy in teaching again when you follow these advice offered here.
20) How to Handle a Class that Tests You Right from the Get-Go – Smart Classroom Management
Some great advise to help you regain control without losing your cool when facing a very difficult class.
21) Quieting the Chatter – The Applicious Teacher
Some smart and practical tips to help you help them stop talking.
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For More Help
Looking for additional resources?
Teach 4 the Heart has two online courses.
- The first is a free mini workshop to help you regain control of your class in 3 days.
- The second is a deep dive to help fully develop a comprehensive classroom management plan and implement it with success. Learn more here.
Harry Wong has an outstanding book called The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher which is a must read for all teachers, regardless of how well your classroom management is. It will truly help you become more effective.
This Pinterest Page is full of excellent articles on classroom management, just like the ones in this post. It is updated daily.
Our page on Classroom Management has some free worksheets and other resources to help you improve your classroom management.