Teachers are always looking to improve their craft, and there are a ton of resources out there. But finding the time to weed through them all, so that you know which ones will be the most benefit for you can be time consuming. So I have this list of 5 books for math teachers that will guide you through actionable steps to help improve your math teaching.
All 5 books are extremely practical, and easy to begin implementing immediately.
1) Jo Boaler’s Mathematical Mindset
Unleashing Student Potential through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages, and Innovative Teaching
One of the most popular books for math teachers around the globe, no doubt you have heard of it. But have you read it yet? If not, you should.
Preview “Mathematical Mindset” here
2) Teaching Math with Google Apps
Alice Keeler has set herself apart as the premier authority on using Google Classroom to teach mathematics. Her book is full of great resources and tips to help you maximize your effectiveness with Google Classroom. Save yourself the time of trying to learn the program on your own, or watching hundreds of videos online, buy the book, and start using Google Classroom today!
Preview “Teaching Math with Google Apps” Book here
3) Visible Learning for Mathematics, Grades K-12
John Hattie’s Visible Learning series is incredible in its insight into effective teaching practices. Thankfully, he has created a book just for math teachers. This resource will show you what strategies you should be spending your time on, and which ones are not as effective as you’d think.
Preview “Visible Learning for Mathematics” here
4) 5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussion
Published by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, this book has been making waves lately. Our math teacher coalition recently did a book study on it, and found it very helpful. This book has practical advice that can be implemented in the classroom immediately, in a way that will be a benefit to your students.
Preview “5 Practices for Orchestrating Productive Mathematics Discussion” book here
5) Reach Them All – How to Differentiate Your Instruction Using Learning Stations
This book will guide you through the process of creating skills based learning stations that allow you to target each student’s need, and allow them to master that concept without retaining the entire class. You can plug holes in your weaker students’ skill set while accelerating your stronger students; allowing everyone to reach their full potential.
A sixth would be Intentional Talk. Complements 5 Practices and really helps distinguish when and where to use classroom discussions as a means to understanding, versus a show and tell.
Hey Jennifer! Thanks for the recommendation. I have not yet read that one, but will put it on my summer reading list.