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Would you like to have more engaged students, with less classroom management issues? Differentiate your remediation so that you can reach each student effectively, and help them be successful.
What would your class look like if every student was being challenged at the appropriate level, given as much support and practice as they need to master the skill, without being penalized for their failure or forced to move on before they were ready?
In this environment, all your students would be challenged effectively and would experience real success. The confidence gained from that success, and you celebrating their success with the class, would help them with the next skill.
You can differentiate your instruction by building learning stations to reach every student in the room. The learning stations we will build will allow you to:
- Reach every student at their level
- Give them as much practice as they need
- Provide instant feedback
- Remediate all your students
- Not penalize failure
- Celebrate success
Furthermore, when your students are experiencing this success, they will be more engaged, enjoy class more, and will be less likely to become a classroom management issue.
This online course will give you the tools to build and implement these stations in your class with success.
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Do you have students that are not getting it?
The issue may not be your teaching, but their skill level. But you can’t remediate the whole class on that one skill. So often, our lowest students get left behind. However, by differentiating your instruction, you can reach these students regardless of what skill they need to develop. And you can give them as much time and practice as they need to be successful, without penalizing the class.
Are students misbehaving in your class?
What would you do if you were in a class that didn’t make sense, and you saw no hope of ever learning the material? You would have a hard time behaving as well, and you would want an escape. But if the teacher was able to reach you at your level, and build up your skills so that things did make sense, you would be less likely to get in trouble, and more likely to engage in the material.
By differentiating your instruction, you can reach all your students, at their level, and build up their skills so that they too can be more successful. And the more success they experience, the less likely they are to misbehave.
Breaking the Factory Line Model
Education often treats students like a factory line. Everyone is lumped together and put through the same processes at the same time (the same amount of practice problems on the same skills). But your students aren’t all the same. They have different needs and different abilities. Some require more practice than others. Some require more time. And some have skills that need to be developed so that they can do the grade level work. But now you can reach each student’s need and help every student be successful.
With a factory line, pieces that don’t come out looking like all the other pieces are discarded. And we’ve been leaving students behind for a long time in our current education. But you don’t have to give up on students or leave them behind as you push your class through the rest of the curriculum. Instead, you can service each student, regardless of their need, and help them be successful.
Instead of a factory line classroom, you can have a classroom full of ladders. In this type of room, every student is taking steps, as they master skills, and become more successful as they come closer to the top – and we celebrate every step along the way.
Are all your students growing?
The goal should be for every student in the room to leave your room having more skills and being better at math than when they entered. But many students are being left behind because they can’t keep up with the pace of the class – often because they entered the room below grade level.
But with learning stations, you can differentiate your instruction so that you can remediate each student, and help them become successful.
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How to Create and Use Learning Stations to Reach Every Student will be a great 3 part online course that will guide you through the process of making learning stations in your class that will effectively remediate and accelerate every student in the class.
You will be able to reach each student, regardless of their need, and give them as much practice and time as they need to master one skill after another as they progress through the standards and you celebrate every success they have along the way.
Regardless of what your student is struggling with, you can reach them. This 3 part series will show you how to reach that student with skills-based remediation and targeted practice so that they can grow.
The course will open from January 6 through January 13, 2019 for $20. After the 13th, the price will go up.
As soon as it’s available, you will receive an email letting you know that the course is live. So make sure you tell your email provider to allow emails from this address after you get on the waiting list.